November 8, 2024

6 thoughts on “The Tragic Death of 14 year Old Kaden Moses and Timeline of Events

  1. Seems like an easy case. His friend is obviously guilty. Only two in there, why would he load and unload a weapon, he was sitting right by the gun, and on the same side his friend was shot in the head. Although, I use the word friend loosely. I don’t understand them saying they don’t have any evidence. They have the witness statements, the video their hiding for some reason that would show whether or not the boy changed his clothes, and if not then why not just show it. It could only be because it’s incriminating. How horrible for his mom and his other loved ones especially knowing he didn’t do it himself. He couldn’t have kept playing the game right up until the gun went off if he was also holding a gun and getting ready to fire it and shoot himself. He also wouldn’t have started to say, “What are……..?” you doing if his friend wasn’t doing something out of the ordinary at that moment like picking a gun up or aiming it at him. I don’t think he would have shot himself in mid-sentence. Like that old saying goes, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and sounds like a duck it must be a……. What? Exactly a duck and that’s how I feel about how obvious this case is. I cannot believe he got away with killing someone that easy. I pray hisom can find peace somehow. I would love to see her and the rest of his family find justice, but that doesn’t seem to be happening

    1. I feel like hell do something like this again years from now probably and then this case will be brought to light again.

  2. I am personally familiar with Kiely and have seen her and her family on multiple occasions, it breaks my heart how her brothers death still affects them daily and nothing is being done about the killer being put in jail. He is a despicable human being who robbed an innocent family of their son and brother and still hasn’t paid an inch for it.

  3. It is simple of who did it. It was his “friend”. What a friend. My heart breaks for this family and the boys girlfriend that has to hear it in the phone. Prayers are going to this family. #justiceforkaden

  4. It is a no brainer what had happened to Kadin. Henry had killed him for some reason that we don’t know, maybe something that happened prior to going back to Kadins mothers house since they were off and on friends. I don’t believe Kadin killed himself. I do believe Henry had planned and plotted for this murder of Kadin, because why would he go to all this trouble to get the bullets from the truck and the gun from a locked cabinet.. The police need to get off their butts and do their jobs, Henry just got away with murder… God will still punish this Henry in the after-life, he sees all…

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