Myra Crosby book
Myra Crosby and Timeline of Events that Removed Her as Juror 785 and Secured a Guilty Verdict Against Murdaugh.
Walterboro, S.C., — Becky Hill, the former clerk of court for Colleton County, South Carolina, is at the center of the ever-mounting legal and ethical controversies that have cast a shadow over the integrity of the judicial process in one of the state’s most high-profile trials. Yet the state of South Carolina’s Attorney General’s Office hasn’t done much of anything about any of this, except arrest her son, Colt Hill in November of 2023 for alleged wire tapping, and open a surrogate investigation with a solicitor’s office. Beck Hill has even had her ethics committee hearing cancelled.
Hill is accused of nearly 100 ethics violations by the South Carolina Ethics Commission, primarily involving the alleged misuse of close to $20,000 in public funds over several years. If convicted, Hill could face up to 10 years in prison for these violations. The investigation into these allegations is being handled by the 11th Circuit Solicitor’s Office based in Lexington, South Carolina, which is conducting a surrogate investigation.
To put things into perspective, SLED arrested Alex Murdaugh for double murder in lightning speed in just 101 days.
Jury Tampering Allegations
Hill has also been accused of jury tampering during the Alex Murdaugh trial, where she played a prominent administrative role as the Clerk of Court. This elected role is deemed as an officer of the court in South Carolina.
Murdaugh’s attorneys have alleged that Hill improperly influenced jurors to deliver a guilty verdict. The defense claims that Hill pressured the jury to expedite their decision and allegedly lied to the presiding judge to secure the removal of Juror 785, who was reportedly leaning toward a “not guilty” verdict.
These accusations gained further weight after Juror 630, another member of the panel, submitted a supplemental affidavit suggesting that Hill’s interference influenced her decision to find Murdaugh guilty. This allegation is now a cornerstone in Murdaugh’s ongoing appeal for a new trial.
Podcaster Liz Farrell has publicly questioned the credibility of Juror 785’s claims, pointing to logical inconsistencies in the narrative. Farrell said that Juror 785 denies having had an opinion about Murdaugh’s guilt at the time of her dismissal and maintains she violated Judge Newman’s orders against discussing the case. Farrell argues that, for Hill to have allegedly targeted Juror 785, she would have needed prior knowledge of her views on Murdaugh’s guilt—knowledge Juror 785 insists she never revealed. Farrell’s critical take underscores the complexities and competing narratives surrounding the jury tampering allegations.
For a person like Farrell who does nothing but cover and do podcasts on Alex Murdaugh, we find it incredible that Farrell would ask the question, “So how would Becky have known what Juror 785’s views were?” All she had to do was ask her podcast partner, Eric Bland. You’ll read in our report just how well Luna Shark knew about jurors, what they knew, how they were going to possibly vote, and that one knew about a note passed to the judge about comments Crosby is accused of making. All known by a Luna Shark member before the juror was dismissed. To ask that question in August of 2024 seems quite odd.

Timeline of Events to Becky Hill Knowing How Juror 785 May Vote
The “egg juror,” Juror 785, was dismissed from the Alex Murdaugh trial on Thursday, March 2, 2023, during the final stages of the trial, right before closing arguments. Judge Clifton Newman dismissed Juror 785 to protect the integrity of the trial after it was alleged that she had discussed the case with people outside of the courtroom, thereby violating the rules for jurors. But did she? Or was she removed to secure a guilty verdict to sell more books, or increase ratings or secure judgements?
The “egg juror,” Juror 785, was dismissed from the Alex Murdaugh trial on Thursday morning, March 2, 2023, during the final stages of the trial, right before closing arguments finished. Judge Clifton Newman dismissed her after an anonymous email and a fake Facebook post stated that she may have had discussed the case with people outside of the courtroom, violating the rules for jurors.
On Friday February 17th, 2023 the jurors for the Alex Murdaugh trial ate Dominos Pizza. On Saturday February 18th, 2023, Myra Crosby and her husband delivered a new refrigerator to tenants of theirs. One of the tenants worked at Dominos Pizza in Walterboro, SC. By the way, the only lunch ever served to the jurors that was not from a local restaurant was from Dominos, a national franchise who’s owner lives in Colorado . It’s alleged that Christine Avery, an employee at this Dominos was a friend of Becky Hill’s, or knew her very well as a good customer, at the very least.
Less than a week later, on Thursday February 23rd, 2023 Alex Murdaugh took the stand in his murder trial in his own defense. Myra Crosby, Juror 785’s seat in the jury box was the 2nd seat in, nearest the witness box in the front row. Myra Crosby recalls a very emotional time when Murdaugh crying. A box of tissues were just in front of her on the railing of the jury box. She noted in her book that she was also visibly shaken and had tears welling up in her eyes for all the courtroom to see. Crosby then looked to her left at another juror, he too was emotional. He looked at the tissues and Crosby, as if to say, let’s give them to Murdaugh. Crosby said she slid the tissues to the juror, who then handed them to Murdaugh.
The emotional testimony from Murdaugh quickly gave way to an emotional moment.
“I was on the phone with 911, and I was trying—I was trying to help Paw Paw and Mags,” Murdaugh recounted, his voice breaking. “I went back and forth between them.”
Even NBC News reported this by saying, “At one point, a juror seated nearby slid a box of tissues toward him.”
“The fact that he cried likely made the jurors see him as human, reacting in a way one might expect under such tragic circumstances,” said Davida Mathis, an Upstate South Carolina attorney. “Pushing a box of tissues his way probably reflects their recognition of that humanity.”
Reports of jurors crying spread like wildfire across Twitter and the internet. Podcaster Mandy Matney, a former local journalist turned podcaster was one of those in disbelief. Her Twitter repost on February 26th of Court TV reporting the crying jurors two days prior garnered 275,000 views, which was more views than Court TV had on their own post. Matney had spent the last four years investigating the Murdaughs, even leaving her job at FITSNews in June of 2021 to start a Murdaugh only podcast.
⚖️ Jurors get emotional during #AlexMurdaugh‘s testimony.#AlexMurdaughTrial #MurdaughTrial #MurdaughFamily @CourtTV
— Matt Johnson (@MattJohnsonNEWS) February 24, 2023
On Friday February 24th, 2023, Alex Murdaugh continued on the stand, and the trial was concluded for the weekend after an emotional week. Clerk Becky Hill explained to the Court on Monday February 27 that she briefly saw a post the preceding Friday February 24th, 2023 on “Walterboro Word of Mouth” which Hill attributed to a Juror’s ex-spouse which said “That he noticed that his ex-wife was saying that she was on the Jury and saying stuff about how her verdict was going to be, and that he was the ex-husband, but she was known for talking way too much. And then I [Hill] just kept on scrolling because that was enough for me. I’ve gotten enough,” said Hill. Clerk Hill “figured” the post referred to Juror 785 and alerted the Court after learning the Court had received an e-mail the following Monday.
Continuing on Monday February 27, Becky Hill spoke with Judge Clifton Newman “about a Facebook posting she said she saw on the evening of Friday, February 24.” The post in question was “purportedly by Juror No. 785’s ex-husband Tim Stone,” and made in a group called “Walterboro Word of Mouth,” the motion goes on. In that post, Stone allegedly complained that “his ex-wife was saying that she was on the jury and saying stuff about how her verdict was going to be.”
It’s important to note here that the person named Tim Stone who did post about his ex-wife on Facebook, posted an apology for said post on February 16th, 2023. How could Hill have seen a post on February 24th if it was deleted on February 16th?
“Judge Newman asked [Hill] to produce a copy of the posting,” the new trial motion claimed. “Hill could not produce a copy,” (Because it didn’t exist). Judge Newman interviewed Juror 785 about this at the end of the day. Nothing became of it and Crosby was allowed to be back on the jury. Side note, the alleged Facebook post from Hill was proven as false at the Murdaugh re-trial hearing with Justice Toal.
On Tuesday February 28th, 2023, Judge Clifton Newman called the lawyers on both sides to approach to discuss an email he had received the day before, on Monday February 27th. We later found out that Hill’s alleged friend, Christine Avery had sent an anonymous email to Judge Clifton Newman, the same email Newman asked attorneys for both sides to meet him in chambers. The State of South Carolina is guarding the contents of this email by keeping it under seal, but it has been alleged that it points to Crosby once again for talking about the trial, a violation of the Judge’s order if it was true. This email arrived the evening of Monday Feb. 27, the SAME day as when Hill just “figured” it was Crosby and then went on to made her false allegation.
Right before lunch, Judge Newman called the lawyers on both sides to approach to discuss an email he had received. I have no further information about the email.
But I imagine we will hear about it on the other side of this lunch break around 2:15 p.m.
— Avery G. Wilks (@AveryGWilks) February 28, 2023
After the trial had concluded for the day on Feb 28th, Crosby was taken into the Judge’s chambers with a room full of attorneys from both sides. The entire transcript is under seal, but a portion of it was made public in a filing by the defense for a retrial. In chambers at different times was The Honorable Clifton Newman, Judge, and Myra Crosby, Donald J. Zelenka, Deputy Attorney General Samuel Creighton Waters, Senior Assistant Deputy AG John B. Conrad, Assistant Attorney General David A. Fernandez, Assistant Attorney General Savannah M. Goude, Assistant Attorney General Johnny E. James, Assistant Attorney General John P. Meadors, Assistant Attorney General Attorneys for the State Richard A. Harpootlian, James M. Griffin, Phillip D. Barber, attorneys for the Defendant Elizabeth B. Harris, CVR-M-CM Michael C. Watkins Circuit Court Reporters.
THE COURT: “And you work at the? JUROR: I work at a monkey farm.” THE COURT: “Monkey farm. What do you do there?” JUROR: “I work in the lab, for the lab. All I do is watch monkeys.”
The affidavits of Crosby’s tenants were prepared by the prosecution—specifically Murdaugh prosecutors from the State, David Fernandez and Don Zelenka—but that their affidavit’s did not align with what they had originally told law enforcement. According to their account, agents from the South Carolina State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) arrived at their home around 10:00 p.m. EST on Tuesday February 28th, just after they had gone to bed, and removed them from their home. They were then separated into different vehicles and interrogated to the point of being badgered, said the tenants. Defense attorney Dick Harpootlian noted that the SLED agents that conducted the interviews of the tenants, that one agent was a named witness in the Murdaugh case and another listed as an investigating officer. Was this a conflict of interest by sending agents so close to this case?
Of note, State attorneys David Fernandez and Don Zelenka were both in chambers listening to Crosby tell Judge Newman that Becky Hill talked to her about the trial. These attorneys knew at that time that Hill may have tampered with this jury, or at least Crosby. This is based on Creighton Waters saying to the group, “I got a name now.” THE COURT: “A name, Clifford Dandridge, Bee Street. Oh boy. I’m not too pleased about the clerk interrogating a juror as opposed to coming to me and bringing it to me.” MR. GRIFFIN: “I was surprised to hear that.” THE COURT: “Yeah.”
Crosby stated that her tenants informed SLED that she had made no remarks regarding Murdaugh’s guilt or innocence. SLED agents allegedly returned about thirty minutes later to the tenant’s home with subpoenas compelling the tenants, Dandridge and Webb to appear in court the next morning on March 1st, 2023.
On this same Tuesday, February 28th, 2023, attorney Eric Bland, friend and self proclaimed daily text friend of Creighton Waters, and podcaster on Cup of Justice, Luna Shark member, and friend of Mark Tinsley went on YouTube with host Surviving the Survivor on the evening of February 28th, 2023. Just a few hours had passed by when Myra Crosby had just met with Judge Newman about the fake Facebook post, nothing about the anonymous email. Eric Bland said the following in the excerpt, “Jurors that got on there that know the Murdaugh’s and then there was a note that was sent to the judge today and I do (at 1:12:21 time in video) know about that note and it may have been that a Juror has made a comment. But you know is one Juror strong enough to (at 1:12:28 time in video) override, I don’t think so, not in that Jury room.”
Two questions come to the surface fast. How did Eric Bland, an attorney who had zero to do with the prosecution or the defense know about “A note that was sent to Judge Newman,” when Myra Crosby, who had just met with the judge didn’t know about the email/note? Who tipped off Bland? It was not made public by the state or the court, or any news media on the evening of February 28th, 2023. Did an attorney from the Attorney General’s Office send Bland the tip? Did someone from Luna Shark know about the note/email?
In Crosby’s book, Because Enough is Enough, she wrote, “To add to this, Eric Bland knew about the anonymous email before I did and was talking about it on TV. The anonymous email was said to be about me, and Bland knew before me.”
On March 1, 2023 at 6:50 AM, the morning after Bland told Surviving the Survivor about a note sent to the judge concerning the juror making a comment, he wrote on his Twitter account the following:
Big Day- Closing Arguments. This is where the attorneys to sum up the evidence and they can argue to jury. Be argumentative. This is when the story needs to be sequential in the argument, be cohesive. Right now at least 10 jurors minds are made up, and there may be two on the…
— Eric Bland (@TheEricBland) March 1, 2023
What’s interesting to note is that through this entire trial, the Luna Shark team of Liz Farrell, Mandy Matney and Beth Braden had posted thousands of times on Twitter about the Murdaugh case. All through the trial, this group also mentioned the words jury and juror over 50 times. But this group went radio silent about anything concerning the words jury or juror from Friday February 27th, 2023 to March 2nd, 2023. The only post we could find was this by Matney at 6:09 PM on March 1st, 2023, one day before Myra Crosby was removed from the voting jury:
“The system depends on people who take that oath as jurors and are willing to honor that oath and make that tough decision to vindicate these victims….to vindicate Maggie and Paul who were cut down in the prime of their lives.”
-Creighton Waters— Mandy Matney (@MandyMatney) March 1, 2023
In compliance with the supposed subpoenas issued by the state, both of Crosby’s tenants appeared in court as directed at 9:00 a.m. EST on Wednesday March 1, 2023. According to Crosby’s affidavit, her tenants were detained at the courthouse for nine hours before SLED agents presented them with typed affidavits, which supposedly documented their statements from the prior night. They were allegedly instructed to sign the documents without reading them, which they did.
“To this day, they will tell you—or anyone—that I never spoke to them about the case or Murdaugh’s guilt or innocence,” Crosby wrote in her book. “I will testify to this under oath, as will my husband and both tenants. This was a calculated effort to remove me and my undecided vote to secure a guilty verdict. (Avery) is Becky’s friend, and in my opinion, she was coached and directed on what to include and how to send this anonymous email.”
So the million dollar question is, would someone coach Christine Avery in what to write and send to Judge Newman? Or would someone, or a small group of people create a scheme in conjunction with Avery to conspire to create a well worded email and then send said email to Avery for her to send the email for Avery to email it to Judge Newman anonymously?
Avery is a well known Luna Shark Discord member who posted within the Discord well over 50+ times when it came to the Murdaugh trial. Avery’s writing skills, grammar and spelling have been described by many as very sloppy, many misspellings, and grammatical errors.
However, when it comes to her email she finally admitted to sending to Judge Newman about Crosby, it is the belief of many that this email was well written by a professional. We asked Myra Stone’s attorney, Joseph McCulloch a hypothetical question about his experience with anonymous emails and how they are written. The question asked by CC News Network was, “Hypothetically, if someone known for subpar grammar and spelling were credited with an email written at a high level of proficiency, could that suggest collaboration or influence from someone with stronger writing skills, such as an attorney or journalist?” The response McCulloch gave us was, “The hypothetical you suggest of a person of sub par English skills, linguistic or writing skills producing a polished, urbane written product would generally and logically suggest assistance or another’s authorship.
If we are to read between the lines on McCulloch’s response, it would appear that Christine Avery did not write the email she says she sent to Judge Newman. We believe her that she sent the email, but based on McCulloch’s response to our hypothetical question, we believe someone, or a group of people may have conspired to come up with a scheme to carefully word the email sent to Judge Newman by Christine Avery.
Again we ask the question, how did attorney Eric Bland know about the note sent to Judge Newman about a juror making a comment. Based on Avery G. Wilks’ Twitter post, the only thing mentioned about an email, was Newman saying he needed to see the attorneys about an email he received.
Who was scared Murdaugh may get off with a hung jury or a not guilty verdict? Eric Bland was certainly concerned based on his Tweet on March 1, 2023. Although within that Tweet, someone asked, “You spoke with the jurors?” But Bland did not respond. Someone also asked Bland, “How do you know 10 jurors minds are made up? In my court , that’s juror tampering. No one should be talking to jurors.” Bland didn’t respond to either of those questions, but he did respond to other questions, but one of his responses was deleted by Bland himself.

Attorney Mark Tinsley testified at the Murdaugh trial that he feared he would not be able to continue with a lawsuit brought on behalf of Mallory Beach, the young woman who died in a boat crash involving Murdaugh’s son, Paul. He said he initially believed the shootings might have happened in retaliation for Beach’s death, and thought it would generate too much sympathy for Murdaugh among a potential jury. Tinsley also made statements to author Valerie Bauerlein in her Murdaugh book about not being able to sleep knowing that Murdaugh might get off with a hung jury or a not guilty verdict.
But who exactly are Mark Tinsley and Eric Bland? Mark Tinsley was the lead attorney in the Mallory Beach lawsuit. After Murdaugh was found guilty, Tinsley settled with the insurance companies for close to $20 million dollars in January of 2023. After Murdaugh was arrested on two felony warrants related to stealing money from his late housekeeper’s life insurance settlement, Eric Bland won settlements to the tune of over $7 million dollars for the Satterfield family in the same month Murdaugh was arrested.

Ethics Violations and Legal Proceedings
The South Carolina Ethics Commission’s allegations against Hill pertain to misappropriations of funds during her tenure as clerk of court. the CC News Network was first to report that Becky Hill, the former Colleton County Clerk of Court was originally scheduled for a December 19, 2024, hearing, the South Carolina Ethics Commission has agreed to hold Hill’s case “in abeyance” due to a pending criminal investigation by the Attorney General’s Office. This delay was requested by Hill’s counsel and approved by the Ethics Commission, with no objections from the Commission’s staff. The ethics case will remain on hold until the criminal investigation concludes.
As we said in the beginning of this article, it took SLED less time to arrest Alex Murdaugh for double murder than it has to make any arrest of Hill or her son of anything.
The Role of Colt Hill
Adding to the controversy is Hill’s son, Jeffrey “Colt” Hill, the former IT director for Colleton County. Colt Hill is facing wiretapping charges, accused of intercepting and recording a phone call between two individuals without their knowledge or consent on July 20, 2023. Investigators traced the recording to an IP address linked to Colt Hill’s county-issued computer.
Further complicating matters, two of Colt Hill’s Samsung phones were allegedly reset or destroyed after he learned of the investigation. Reports suggest that Colt’s actions may have been part of an effort to keep his mother informed about inquiries into her conduct, including the jury tampering allegations.
The South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED) is investigating Colt Hill’s actions in collaboration with the Public Integrity Unit of the 14th Circuit Solicitor’s Office. Colt Hill has been booked into the Colleton County Detention Center, and the case remains under active investigation.
Justice Toal’s Remarks
During a January 2024 hearing, former South Carolina Chief Justice Jean Toal addressed the allegations against Becky Hill. Toal criticized Hill for succumbing to the “siren call of celebrity,” suggesting that her desire for public attention may have influenced her actions during the Murdaugh trial. While Toal found Hill’s comments to jurors “fleeting and foolish,” she ruled that they did not affect the trial’s outcome and denied Murdaugh’s motion for a new trial. This decision has been controversial, with Murdaugh’s defense team arguing that it disregards U.S. Supreme Court precedent regarding juror tampering.
Transparency and Public Access
Another legal battle is unfolding over sealed records related to Juror 785’s removal during the Murdaugh trial. Columbia attorney Joe McCulloch, representing the dismissed juror, has filed a motion to unseal the documents, which were originally sealed to protect juror confidentiality. Murdaugh’s defense team supports the motion, but prosecutors have resisted, citing unspecified “ongoing matters.” The refusal to unseal these records has raised questions about transparency and accountability.
Who are the Clowns That Needed Setting Straight?
Liz Farrell, referred to Juror 785, as a bunch of clowns. We’re not sure who the plural are, but here’s what we know.
- Myra Crosby said she never spoke about the trial to anyone during the trial. She said this under oath, in front of every attorney, and judge involved with the case. She has never waivered from these statements.
- Crosby authored a book describing how she believes that she was removed from the trial because everyone saw her tear up and help give Murdaugh tissues when he was crying, taht made her tear up.
- Crosby said after she heard the final closing arguments on TV that she would have voted not guilty. So the people watching her during the trial, were correct, she would have been the hold out.
- Becky Hill interrogated Crosby, and allegedly fabricated a fake Facebook post in her mind, and told Judge Newman about it on the same day her friend Christine Avery sent an email to Judge Newman saying Crosby was talking. Judge Newman was not happy that Hill spoke to Crosby.
- Christine Avery is an avid Luna Shark Discord member who sent the email to Judge Newman. No where on Farrell, Matney’s or Braden’s Twitter accounts does the name Christine Avery ever show up in a Tweet. The only reason we know Avery sent it, is because she said so on a platform. Personally thanking Matney, Tinsley and Luna Shark for months of help. Avery posted this just 6 months after Murdaugh was found guilty.
- Eric Bland knew about the note/email concerning Crosby just hours after it was discussed in Judge Newman’s chambers. He spoke about it on a Youtube panel and Tweeted about it before it was ever publicly mentioned by anyone else. Bland is a podcaster with Luna Shark.
- Tinsley was tore up thinking that Murdaugh may go free, before he was found guilty. He won millions for his client after Murdaugh was found guilty. Christine Avery personally thanked Tinsley for all his help for months in Oct of 2023. Apparently whatever he did, it helped Becky, according to Avery. The same Becky Hill that is being investigated for numerous financial crimes, and possibly jury tampering by the State of South Carolina. Her son was arrested for wire tapping, allegedly he was spying on those investigating his mother. So why would Christine Avery help Becky Hill? Allegedly Becky and her are friends, and Avery got pizza’s delivered to Hill and the Murdaugh jury several times, the last being on Feb 17th, 2023. That’s just 10 days before all hell broke loose with Myra Crosby.
- After thousands of Tweets, and over 50 concerning the words jury or jurors, all of Luna Shark went silent on anything jury or juror related from Feb 27th to March 2nd, 2023, except for Eric Bland. Important to note here, the biggest scandal of the Murdaugh trial was going on during these dates and the only person from Luna Shark to mention it was Bland.
- Crosby publishes a book and immediately the attack dogs are sent out after Crosby and anyone related to the book. The Discord of Luna Shark lights up by attacking everyone’s credibility associated with the book. Numerous false statements have been made, even though Crosby’s statements have never changed from the moment Becky Hill first pulled her away from the jury. Why? Why protect Becky Hill, who is being investigated for countless crimes, and attack a juror saying she was tampered with? Why do these attackers applaud another Murdaugh juror’s book? Could it be because that book points at Murdaugh as guilty as charged?
We are not sure who may have set Christine Avery up. But it’s clear from this timeline that a scheme was developed by someone or a conspiracy by some group to all see to it that Myra Crosby, a possible not guilty vote, would never see the inside of that jury room to deliberate and possibly vote not guilty for Alex Murdaugh. Would a not guilty or hung jury affect the outcome of millions of dollars in settled cases? Would a not guilty or hung jury affect podcast ratings? Would a not guilty or hung jury affect someone’s eventual run for governor? Is Christine Avery a true hero, or just a patsy to take the fall when Murdaugh is granted a new trial based on jury tampering, and other trial issues?
Time will tell. We assume that the State of South Carolina will vigorously pursue those that helped tamper with this jury and Crosby. Best of luck to those that were involved in that tampering and conspiracy.
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