Moselle Dog Kennels as seen from the Woods by the Cabin. Photo: TikTok
Patrick Wilson: 4th Article of 4. Connecting the Dots.
Hampton, S.C., — In an exclusive interview with CC News Network, Patrick Wilson opened up to CC News Network for the first time to any news outlet about his legal troubles and his connection to the Stephen Smith case. During the early August 2024 interview, Wilson discussed his interactions with law enforcement, his version of events surrounding Smith’s death, and his longstanding friendship with the Murdaugh family and many of the 2019 boat crash victims.
This is the 4th article in a series that covers everything Wilson has said, to Murdaugh, to Stephen Smith, to Gloria Satterfield, police corruption, the boat crash, to the friend group, to the death of Paul and Maggie Murdaugh.
The Silencing of Paul Murdaugh
“Paul, why did you have to get involved?” That’s what Alex Murdaugh was overheard saying on the 911 call to police on the night of June 7th, 2021. What exactly did Paul get involved with? The boast crash defense? Drugs? Knowledge of the Stephen Smith case?
In September of 2020, court-ordered mediation took place concerning the wrongful death lawsuit filed by the family of Mallory Beach against Paul Murdaugh, Alex and Buster Murdaugh. This lawsuit stemmed from the tragic boat crash in February 2019, which resulted in Ms. Beach’s death. The mediation failed to produce a settlement, meaning the civil case was set to proceed to not only civil trial, but criminal as well.
When Alex Murdaugh, Paul’s father, and now disbarred and imprisoned attorney said, Paul, why did you have to get involved?” One has to wonder if Paul may have gotten himself involved with his own criminal defense strategy. After all, if found guilty, he was facing mandatory prison time. No more college, no more friends, no more Moselle, no more money, no more Grandaddy and Daddy getting Paul out of trouble, no more power and influence, no more hunting, or fishing, or drinking, girlfriends or drugs. No more accidents, no more beating people up, as Patrick Wilson alleged had happened more times than Wilson had fingers and toes.
If you were Paul Murdaugh, and for the first time in your life, you were facing severe consequences for a pattern of reckless behavior—allegedly fueled by excessive drinking, harming others, crashing vehicles, and even accusations of pushing Gloria Satterfield off the steps—how would you feel? Now, this recklessness had culminated in a tragic event: the death of Mallory Beach. Mallory lost her life after being thrown from Paul’s family boat, which he was allegedly driving while intoxicated and dangerously erratic. Adding to the pressure, Paul’s family faced a multimillion-dollar lawsuit stemming from this devastating incident.
Was Paul Murdaugh prepared to face trial and the possibility of a life-altering sentence? Never before had Paul encountered consequences of this magnitude. Given the Murdaugh family’s legal influence in South Carolina, some believed he might receive a lighter sentence—perhaps 5 to 10 years—even for the most serious charges. However, in high-profile cases with intense public scrutiny, judges sometimes impose harsher sentences to set a precedent. Mallory Beach’s family, advocating for justice, could have pushed for a sentence in the range of 15 to 25 years.
This would have meant Paul could spend the next 15 to 25 years in prison, potentially being released between the ages of 30 and 45. His life, as he knew it, would be ruined. Did the 19-year-old Paul Murdaugh think he might have a “Get Out of Jail Free Card”? Could someone have believed that he might somehow use his information against them? And, if given the chance, would Paul Murdaugh trade someone else’s freedom for his own?
His attorneys Dick Harpootlian and Jim Griffin were about to prepare for trial. This would possibly include:
1. Revisit Evidence
- Revisit Evidence: Examine all existing evidence, such as forensic reports, photographs, and expert opinions, ensuring completeness and accuracy. Who was driving the boat?
- Additional Discovery: File motions for discovery if new evidence or testimony emerged during mediation.
2. Witness Preparation
- Interview Key Witnesses: Meet with witnesses, including experts, passengers from the boat, and law enforcement officials, to solidify their testimonies. The friend group was about to get hauled into sworn testimony about what happened that night.
- Prepare Depositions: Take depositions of opposing witnesses if they haven’t already been completed.
3. Pre-Trial Motions
- File Suppression Motions: Challenge the admissibility of evidence (e.g., toxicology reports, statements) if it could be prejudicial or was improperly obtained.
Who could have wanted Paul Murdaugh silenced forever? Could it have been related to what he may have known about the death of Stephen Smith, or something worse? Was there a possibility that Paul was planning to implicate someone else to shift blame and reduce his own legal exposure in the boating case?
It’s been reported that the victims and and the families were eliminated as suspects through DNA and digital evidence in the death of Paul and Maggie Murdaugh. This includes Anthony, Connor, Miley, Morgan, and their families.
Some things have become more clear from this interview with Patrick Wilson. People were sick and tired of Paul Murdaugh’s actions. People grew tired of seeing Paul continuously get out of trouble and have zero accountability for his actions, as Patrick told us, and Connor said in his deposition. What isn’t quite clear is, did someone take matters into their own hands to protect their alleged secrets and in their mind? Did someone finally bring Paul Murdaugh to account for the deaths of Mallory Beach, Gloria Satterfield and his countless other alleged drunk driving accidents and fighting? Did someone think that Paul may somehow get out of three felony counts of boating under the influence, including Mallory’s death? Patrick and Connor have both cited numerous times they have each seen this same situation happen with Paul, and watched as Paul’s Daddy and Granddaddy would get him out of legal trouble with their influence.
Paul Murdaugh was also reportedly stopped by authorities for hosting a alcohol-filled boat outing just days before his murder. This incident occurred while Paul was still awaiting trial for the 2019 boat crash that killed 19-year-old Mallory Beach.
In Netflix’s series, Murdaugh Murders: A Southern Scandal, housekeeper Blanca Turrubiate-Simpson revealed that the 22-year-old had a run-in with the law in the weeks leading up to the June 7th, 2021 murders. She recalled Maggie Murdaugh mentioning the incident, saying, “Paul got in trouble again.”
According to Ms. Turrubiate-Simpson, Paul had been on a boat with friends, drinking alcohol. “He was on the boat with friends and they were drinking,” she said. “But they called Alex and he said he was going to take care of it.”
Colleton County Clerk of Court Becky Hill corroborated the account, stating that South Carolina’s Department of Natural Resources (DNR) stopped Paul and his group, who were preparing to head out on the water. “The DNR held him back and took all of the booze off the boat,” said Ms. Hill, adding that the cooler was “full of booze.” This is the exact same situation Patrick Wilson described while at a license check after the Stephen Smith incident. Police officers found alcohol with underage kids, officers took the alcohol, and would let the kids go. Although at this point Paul was of legal age to consume alcohol. But it’s unclear why his boat was boarded by the SCDNR.
To date, most of the boat crash victims and family of Mallory have also received hundreds of thousands, to millions of dollars in civil lawsuit settlements. However, Patrick Wilson, Shawn Connelly, and Anthony Cook—Mallory’s boyfriend at the time—are the only ones who have not received any money from any Murdaugh lawsuit.
Patrick Wilson and Shawn Connelly
According to Patrick Wilson, both he and Shawn Connelly were called to testify for hours and days in front of a State Grand Jury involving the now reclassified homicide of Stephen Smith.
Connelly, along with Wilson, were named in the initial S.C. Highway Patrol Multi-Disciplinary Accident Investigation Team (MAIT) report on Stephen Smith’s death. FITSNews originally released that document, and in early 2023 they then reported on Wilson and Connelly’s status as persons of interest in the case. The New York Post also ran a story on it, citing FITSNews.
No new leads have surfaced as of September 2024, and the Columbia, SC Grand Jury hasn’t indict anyone. SLED has also stated, unless someone comes forward and talks, the Stephen Smith case appears to have stalled.
Many believe that there are individuals who may have direct knowledge of the events surrounding Smith’s death. Those who possess this information, and there are believed to be many, are encouraged to share what they know—either by coming forward to CC News Network or by submitting tips anonymously through SLED.
The Timing of Maggie Murdaugh’s iPhone in and Around Moselle

Timeline of Events: Maggie Murdaugh’s iPhone Activity on June 7, 2021
- 9:05:44 PM – 9:07:00 PM:
Maggie Murdaugh’s iPhone: Backlight On
(Source: MM Extraction) - 9:05:56 PM:
System Update:- Update Service-System Startup: Current System State = SYSTEM_STARTUP
- 9:06:12 PM:
Maggie Murdaugh’s iPhone detects an orientation change to portrait.
(Source: MM Extraction) - 9:06:14 PM:
Incoming call from Alex Murdaugh on Maggie’s iPhone.- This call appears on Alex’s CDR (Call Detail Records).
- Note: It does not appear on the Dylan Hightower or second AM Extraction.
- 9:06:15 PM:
Alex Murdaugh places a call to “Maggie Murdaugh.”- Status: Not answered (call duration: 00:03).
- Source: AM CDRs.
- Note: This missed call appears on Maggie’s phone extraction (MM Extraction) but not on Dylan Hightower or the second AM Extraction.
The time between 9:05:44 PM and 9:06:20 PM is 36 seconds. Alex said when was standing near his Suburban, outside of the main house, he thought he heard Maggie and Paul coming up from the kennels in a vehicle. So he hung up at 9:06:14 PM. He then said it was not them, so he called back, as his phone indicates at 9:06:15 PM. This map will show you where Maggie’s phone would have been at 9:06:15 PM on Moselle Rd. As for any jury, this should have been enough for a not guilty verdict.

- 9:06:20 PM:
Maggie Murdaugh’s iPhone detects an orientation change to sideways. (likely tossed out a window)
(Source: MM Extraction) - 9:06:50 PM:
Vehicle Parked Status: (Alex)- Status: Vehicle Parked = False.
- (Source: System Update Log)
- 9:06:52 PM:
Alex Murdaugh places another call to “Maggie Murdaugh.”- Duration: 00:07.
(Source: AM CDRs)
- Duration: 00:07.
Where is the Friend Group Today?
- Patrick Wilson is living in Greenville, SC. His troubles have followed him there, as he has two arrests. Receiving stolen goods, and an assault charge. Although the assault charge has disappeared on the Greenville County court case index altogether. But in the stolen goods charge, it appears that Patrick may not have shown up for his Show Cause hearing, and appears to have been sentenced to 30 days in jail. He also has a new girlfriend, he works at a local motel as a maintenance man, and he told me he is staying off drugs.
- Shawn Connelly still lives on Sandy Run Rd in Brunson, SC. It’s unclear if he is married, but he does have a child. In 2021, the year Paul Murdaugh was executed, Connelly had 4 traffic violation and 1 criminal violation. As of 2024 he has one criminal charge from January, of Titling of watercraft Chapter violation, in general, (No Bill of Sale on Recently Purchased Vessel).
- Connor Cook lives with his now finance, Miley Altman. They have a baby together and recently purchased a large home on 5 acres in Estill, SC. They announced their engagement to be married just a short time ago.
- Anthony Cook recently got married, and Shawn Connelly’s new Facebook profile picture is of Connelly and Cook, arm in arm, both smiling.
- Morgan Doughty, Paul’s girlfriend at the time of the boat crash, is reportedly married as of October, 2024. Her Instagram profile shows a bachelorette party on 4×4 side by sides in rural South Carolina, with many pictures of alcohol.
- Paul Murdaugh was brutally murdered, along with his mother on June 7th, 2021.
Deaths that Intertwine Through this Friend Group
- Stephen Smith – Patrick Wilson and Shawn Connelly are persons of interest in the 2015 homicide of Stephen, according to FitsNews. Miley Altman, Connor Cook’s finance’ is Patrick Wilson’s cousin.
- Gloria Satterfield – Gloria died in 2018 after she was allegedly pushed off the steps by an angry Paul Murdaugh, according to Patrick Wilson and Connor Cook.
- Mallory Beach – Best friends with Morgan Doughty, and Miley Altman (Altman is Patrick Wilson’s cousin), was killed when she was thrown from a boat that Paul Murdaugh was allegedly driving. It was also alleged by many, that Connor Cook was being set up to take the fall for Paul Murdaugh. Even Connor thought so after the boat crash, and dumped Murdaugh attorney, Cory Fleming because of it. The same Murdaugh attorney who represented Patrick Wilson in his attempted murder charge, and the Satterfield’s in the wrongful death insurance scam he and Alex stole over $4 million dollars from. Alex and Cory are in prison.
- Paul Murdaugh – The so-called leader of the friend group was executed on June 7th, 2021 just days before a boat crash hearing concerning the civil lawsuit brought against his Daddy and his brother, Buster Murdaugh by the Beach family and others.
- Maggie Murdaugh – Murdered on June 7th, 2021, along with her son, Paul. It’s believed that Maggie was shot as collateral damage, as the theory is that the two killers only came to kill Paul, but were surprised by Maggie running out of the Moselle hangar just seconds after Paul was executed. Several agents from the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division, (SLED), testified in the Alex Murdaugh trial that two shooters could not have been eliminated as a possibility.
Who is in Prison?
- Alex Murdaugh is in prison after being convicted of murdering Paul and Maggie Murdaugh by a jury that decided a 6 week case in as little as 45 minutes. It’s been written and told that the jury is to have been severally tampered with as alleged by Juror 785, Myra Crosby, as well as several other jurors in this trial. One juror has said she changed her undecided vote to guilty because the others wanted to just go home and Alex would have to go to prison anyway for the financial crimes.
In my best selling book, Defending Alex Murdaugh, I point out several flaws in the State’s evidence against Murdaugh. Including the pure inability to have shot Paul with a shotgun, not once, but twice. Then drop the shotgun, and at 300 pounds, pick up a .300 Blackout and run 30 feet at an angle of 41 degrees to drop and shoot his wife Maggie in under 5 seconds. However, two shooters could have pulled this off with the timing it took very easily. Several other experts have also said that this was done by two shooters, they include: Ronnie Palmbach, from the Wisconsin State Crime Laboratory, Mark Geragos, World-Renowned Attorney, Sara Azari – Attorney, Dr. Kenny Kinsey, a key State Witness, and Thomas Haynes, a Retired Investigator the Nashville Medical Examiner’s Office. I’m in good company in this theory.
- Cory Fleming – Cory is serving 4 years in a federal penitentiary for financial crimes he conspired with to steal millions with Alex Murdaugh. Cory also represented Patrick Wilson, Connor Cook, Paul Murdaugh, Alex Murdaugh and the Satterfield family.
- Russell Laffitte – the former CEO of Palmetto State Bank was recently released from federal prison, but was was convicted for financial crimes with Alex Murdaugh. He may or may not be retried.
- Jerry Rivers was sentenced to seven years in February 2024 for drug distribution, money laundering, and fraud, surrounding Alex Murdaugh. Rivers denied being associated with gangs or participating in criminal networks as portrayed by the media and law enforcement. “For one, I’m not a gang member, never have been, never will be. The media and SLED spread false information about me,” Rivers stated exclusively to the CC News Network.
- Spencer Roberts: Sentenced to eight years for money laundering and fraud, with additional charges of drug distribution and laundering over $100,000 pending. Roberts allegedly laundered more than $160,000 through checks cashed as part of Murdaugh’s schemes.
- Cousin Eddie Smith, often referred to as “Cousin Eddie,” was indicted in 2021 on a series of charges tied to Murdaugh’s activities, including drug distribution, money laundering, and his role in Murdaugh’s staged roadside shooting insurance scam. He was recently released from electronic home monitoring, and has not stepped foot in a court to account for these charges in years.

Conclusion: The Search for Justice Continues Everywhere
As of 2024, the investigation into Stephen Smith’s death remains ongoing. With the reclassification of his case as a homicide and the renewed scrutiny on individuals like Patrick Wilson and Shawn Connelly, there is hope that whatever the truth is, will eventually come out. I think our time with Patrick Wilson answered a lot of open questions concerning the death of Stephen Smith, and Paul and Maggie Murdaugh.
As for the deaths’ of Paul and Maggie, we believe Melinda Worley, a senior criminalist and forensic analyst for SLED in her testimony at the Alex Murdaugh trial, that two shooters is a possibility. Who are those two shooters? Who knew where the Murdaugh’s kept all their guns? Who knew the Murdaugh’s would all be out of town the weekend before they died? Who had Paul’s location on Snap Chat, and whose secrets died with Paul Murdaugh?

As for Patrick Wilson, he says he’ll take a polygraph test to prove his stories. But he noted, “But not by SLED, I don’t trust them at all.”
Patrick has moved to the Greenville, SC area, has a girlfriend, a new job, and we were told that he has discovered God. His Facebook page has varying quotes from, “There is one who makes himself rich, yet has nothing; and one who makes himself poor, yet has great riches. Proverbs 13:7.” To, “I’ve seen ducks fly and people die but I’ve never seen a girl that don’t lie.”
His case for assault was scheduled for court on Wednesday September 25, 2024. It was rescheduled for 10/9/24. As of this article, the charge of assault no longer appears on the South Carolina Case Records search engine. He does have a remaining charge of receiving stolen goods, value $2,000 or less, and that had a show cause hearing scheduled for November 20th, 2024 at 9:00 am in Greenville County, South Carolina. It appears that Wilson may have been a no show, as it is listed as “Failure to Comply.” SC Court Cases has a sentence of 30 DAYS TO RUN CONSECUTIVE WITH ANY AND ALL OTHER CHARGES.
Patrick’s long term goals are to one day become a lineman, working for a power company.

CC News Network will continue to follow this case as developments unfold. We will continue to develop more articles based on our lengthy interview with Wilson.
At this time, no one has been charged in connection with the deaths of Stephen Smith or Gloria Satterfield. Alex Murdaugh was found guilty by an allegedly tampered with jury, for the murders of Paul and Maggie Murdaugh.
The opinions expressed in this interview are those of Patrick Wilson and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of CC News Network, its management, or its ownership.
No assertions should be made from this article regarding the possible guilt or innocence of any individual in this article until formal charges are brought against the perpetrators, and a conviction is secured in a court of law. CC News Network is committed to providing factual, unbiased reporting and encourages its audience to respect the judicial process. We are here to raise awareness, uncover clues, educate people, and question everything.
The investigation in the death of Stephen Smith remains open, and currently unsolved by law enforcement.
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CC News Network recently found itself under scrutiny following false accusations that this news outlet compensated Patrick Wilson for an exclusive interview. Wilson, a key figure in the ongoing investigation into the death of Stephen Smith, shared significant insights and details in the widely publicized interview. Despite the exclusivity and the depth of the content provided, CC News Network adhered to its policy of non-payment for interviews, a practice commonly employed to maintain journalistic integrity. However, critics argue that such policies may exploit contributors, particularly those whose stories hold high public interest. The debate highlights the ongoing tension between ethical journalism standards and the value of individuals’ contributions to major news stories. Below is the contract Wilson signed, clearly stating he was not being compensated for the interview.