While the killers are driving away on Moselle Rd towards Varnville, Alex is now outside of the main house. Alex tells agent Owen in his first post-interview that it was about this time he thought he heard Paul and Maggie coming back up to the house. Based on the timing of the SLED timeline, I allege that what Alex heard was the actual killers accelerating down Moselle Rd with his wife’s iPhone in hand, and Alex was outside the main house hearing them drive by.
From the SLED timeline, at 9:06:12 p.m. – Maggie Murdaugh’ s iPhone implements an orientation change to portrait (MM Extraction). Then at 9:06:14 p.m. – Maggie receives an incoming call from Alex on Maggie’s iPhone (MM Extraction) (Shows on AM CDR but does not show on Dylan Hightower or 2nd AM Extraction). This is right about the time Alex would have heard what he thought was his family coming back up, so at 9:06:15 p.m. – Alex Murdaugh calls “Maggie Murdaugh” (Not Answered 00:03 long) (AM CDR’s) (Does not show on Dylan Hightower or 2nd AM Extraction). Missed Call on Maggie’s Phone (MM Extraction). It is here at 9:06:20 p.m.- that Maggie Murdaugh’s iPhone implements another sideways orientation (MM Extraction). I believe it is at this exact moment when the killers decided Maggie’s phone is now a liability, as Alex is calling and texting in an overwhelming manner. The window goes down, and her phone is tossed along the south side of Moselle Rd at around 9:06:30 P.M.
This is just 30 seconds from when they pulled onto Moselle Rd. I tested the route from the back entrance of Moselle Rd to the spot where Maggie’s phone was found. Within a second or two, I arrived at the same spot as Maggie’s phone in the same 30 seconds. It would make sense if you were the killers to toss Maggie’s phone at this point. It’s locked, and the killers can’t see inside it, but knowing that Alex is calling and texting nonstop, he could be tracking them at this point. Get rid of Maggie’s phone! This all matches up 100% with the SLED timeline, Alex’s interviews, OnStar Data, Google Maps, ChatGPT for time matching, and the many real-world tests I performed on Moselle Rd. Let me add that at 9:06:30 p.m. when Maggie’s phone is tossed, Alex Murdaugh is still at Moselle. The prosecution would have you believe that Alex slowly walked Maggie’s phone those 59 steps. Then put it in the golf cart, then his Suburban, then tossed her phone, all the while her phone never indicated it being picked up this many times. I don’t know about your phone, but if I even sneeze near my phone, it lights up. Try it with yours now.
Read the book that solved the Murdaugh Murders.